Steward Sale 2022

 Hello Planet Earth!

 Planet Earth is planning to be back and better than ever this year! To make that happen we need you.

Specifically, the Steward's Sale (formerly DGS) is coming up, and we need to know who would be willing to pick up 2 tickets plus that vehicle pass.

This year the org has made sure to note some specifics about if you can get your money back if the event is cancelled. Please check that out before committing. Planet Earth simply cannot cover that much outlay in case of event cancellation, so you do take the risk.

Finally, this is for folks who will be camping and participating in Planet Earth this year. We will have a list of additional campmates who need tickets, and any you aren't using yourself, you agree to sell to the PE list so we can get out there, build the club, and bring some music with words to the playa this year!

Please message me on facebook directly if you are interested by Feb 17!
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Camp Meeting Minutes
Statement of Intent 2022