Planet Earth 2024 Dues

 Hello Planet Earth!

We're very excited that the burn is on for 2024.

We've had some meetings, and some trips in order to get ready and we think everything is a go.  With that in mind we wanted to let everyone know what 2024 was going to look like as far as camp registration and dues.

Registration Comes First!

Do not send dues until you have completed your registration and been approved over email.

After you register, you will receive an email detailing some of the next steps.  First is an approval process.  People who are new to PE will do a short interview with some of the management to make sure we're good fits for each other.  Once that happens you will get an email saying you are approved, and it will also appear on the webpage.

Once your application has been approved (you can see this by going to your PE login and you will see a section called 'You Are Approved!'), then you just need to follow the payment instructions below before you're a registered member of Planet Earth 2024!   DO NOT SEND ANY PAYMENT UNTIL THAT HAPPENS.

After payment has been received and processed that will be replaced with a section called 'Member of Planet Earth 2024'

Your membership is not completed until your registration is approved and, your dues are received. The first 85 people who both fill out this registration, are approved, and pay their dues are in Planet Earth 2024. Simply filling out the registration does not "hold" a spot for you in camp. Until you pay your dues and other fees, your preferences for Task Crews, and RV slots are not guaranteed. 

Camp Dues

$525 for early dues (Until July 2nd)

$600 for mid dues (Until August 1st)

$700 for late dues (Until Event Open)

Due to the rising costs of everything in general and because of the pandemic (particularly our generator, fuel and portas cost), dues are up again. We did some thinking and adjusting to minimize the additional cost to the early registrations and put some of the cost on the late registrations (though the number of each is not the same). 

These dues help pay for the PE infrastructure that all camp members enjoy. Including: Power, Porta potties, waste water removal, showers, a shaded kitchen area, private camp lounge, year round storage, guaranteed placement, and the transportation costs for the container. Please note that around 95% of the actual PE Nightclub, from the floors to the walls, DJ Booths, sound system, lights, videos and even fog machines have been privately donated or raised via fund raisers, very little of your dues money goes towards the nightclub infrastructure.

Early is from now until July 2nd

Mid is from July 3 until August 1st

Late is from August 2nd on

Electrical Fees

$450 for RVs

$225 for tents

The electrical costs are for anyone using large amounts of electricity (like an AC or anything with a large fan or compressor).  This will get you a dedicated line to your place (RV or tent).  You must have the right receptacle to use it.  There will be more details on electrical in another blog.  There are only a limited number of RV electrical spots.  Due to the changes in the OSS power suppliers, and general slowness of all the quotes, we don't have final quotes yet.  So we do not have the cost for power for RVs and dedicated tents.   It WILL be more expensive than 2022.  But until we get the final quotes we're not sure by how much

RV Pumpout Fees

$80 for RVs during EA (1 pumpout)

$240 for RVs during event (3 pumpouts)

Something significant that is changing in the dues structure has to do with RVs and pumpout of grey/black water.  This section ONLY applies for RVs, our normal porta pumpouts are already scheduled and paid for and included in the standard dues.  In 2023 United stopped offering ad hoc pumpouts of RVs.  You could no longer flag down a general RV pumpout vehicle easily for them to pump you out for cash.  Also, in the past because we had regular pumpouts of our portas, they would also offer to pumpout our RVs at the same time (also for cash).  That is apparently no longer allowed either.  

Now the only way that RVs get pumped out is with a scheduled pumpout and pre-paid vouchers.  Which end up becoming part of our united cost that the camp needs to pre pay.  It does not seem that individuals can set something up with United (they usually require a minimum number) and that's why it works out for the camp.

So depending on each RV arrival date, we will need a certain number of RV pumpout vouchers that need to be prepaid for by the camp.  This will be reflected in a RV pumpout fee that we are just passing through to each RV camper, depending on when they arrive (EA + Event, or just Event).   We are looking at a schedule of every 3rd day from when we arrive on the playa.  So that is 8/22 (EA), 8/25, 8/28, and 8/31.

Water Fees


Water was a new thing in 2022.  And we think that it worked well.  We had an initial 'fee' of $50 to cover the cost of the tank and initial fill.  That fee went down as more people signed up.  Nearly 100% of the camp signed up for that, so this year it's just rolled into the dues.

Every camp member can get drinking water on playa for $1 a gallon in 5 gallon increments for your domicle. This can save on the water and weight you need to bring for the event. We will have more details on the water service in an upcoming blog.    We're going to try to work out a different payment system to make things smoother on playa.

Paying Dues

We prefer that you use Paypal. To do this, please send a money transfer to Planet Earths accountant, Cassidy Moore.

Note: For Credit Cards, please use the pay with credit card options on Paypal

For all forms of payment be sure to include a break down of what the payment is for. We need the itemization to know who is paying for what. Especially if you're paying for multiple people


Dues: Simon LeBon: $525
Dues: Nick Rhodes: $525
RV electrical: $TBD
RV pumpout (4): $320

The Paypal email address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Many people have asked about refunds if the event is canceled. Normally we have a no refund policy on camp dues because the event still happens even if you cancel. However, our goal for Planet Earth is not to make money, but merely to sustain the camp and it's needs.

With that in mind if the event is canceled we plan to refund dues money based on what has already been spent. Some of our big expenses (generator, fuel, porta) would hopefully have a 100% return (minus any deposits), while some of our other expenses like storage, shower, container trip, etc will not. Hopefully this will yield somewhere around 75-85% of dues.

We are looking forward to having a great 2024 and hope to see you on the playa!
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Paying Dues in 2024
Container Trip Failure!