Camp Meeting Notes

Hello Planet Earth

We had our first camp meeting to decide on what we needed to do and take care of for the upcoming PE 2024 Final Tour!

Shout out to all who made it to the meeting today, it was so good to see your faces.

I've got the recording link here if you missed out or want to remember the details. (Thanks Jenn)
Passcode: @Yh81^+QGM
Cliff Notes: If I've forgotten something please feel free to add in the comments below.
1. The container trip for inventory will be April 4th-5th. I'll be sending out a separate message to those going to confirm all the details.
2. Planet Earth is in talks with Camps Awkward & Tawdry and Mad Tease to camp as neighbors and share resources like water, power and maybe portas. We have requested Esplanade placement, so we'll see how that goes and of course, keep you updated.
3. We NEED CAMP MANAGERS. Special shout out to Catherine, Chris, Jenn, Josh, Maddie, Scott, Steve and Wendi for stepping up and volunteering. We are still looking for more so if you're interested please reach out to Alex or Jenn. We could use your help. Thanks!
4. Jenn and Maddie have been reaching out to companies regarding a generator, looks like quotes won't be available for at least another month. The same is true for United Services (portas, RV pump outs)
5. Camp dues will depend upon the quotes we receive.
6. March is the Steward Sale, we're hoping for 26 slots. We'll see what happens. These tickets will be distributed to the camp members who are helping to build and run the camp to ensure we have the amount of people needed to get up and running.
7. Chris will be updating our website so it will be down for March and will be ready to go April 1st as we start heading into Burning Man season. Thanks Chris!
8. We want to create some kind of special event to commemorate Planet Earth's last year on the playa. If you have creative and fun ideas to mark the occasion please share them with us.
9. We want to follow up with Sean regarding farewell tour t-shirts/ sweatshirts.
10. The next PE meeting will be after we have heard back from companies regarding the quotes. We'll keep you posted.
If you have any questions listen to the audio of the meeting first, your question may be answered in there. If not, reach out to Alex or Jenn.


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2024 Steward Sale
Planet Earth 2024 and beyond